The task of the Journal is to attract the papers on original research articles, short communication and peer reviewed articles from an individuals and organizations of International repute dedicated to animal science, and veterinary science and education.
Theriogenology Insight welcomes research papers, reviews, technical notes, case reports and short communication reporting significant results obtained using new techniques. Encouraged topic areas include: reproductive biology, physiology, endocrinology, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, genetics, reproductive cycles, biochemistry, functional morphology, phylogeny, behavioral and regulatory mechanisms, including genetic, endocrine and molecular studies in addition, cryobiology of gametes and embryos, conservation biology and assisted reproduction of domestic, wild, avian, aquatic species and human. The main criteria for acceptance of subject reviews and research papers are originality, scientific rigour and appeal to the readership.

@Theriogenology Insight(TI)| Printed by New Delhi Publishers

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