Year: 2015 | Month: April | Volume 5 | Issue 1

Ectopic Kidney and Lymph Nodes and Intra-abdominal Testicular Structure in a Freemartin Holstein Friesian Calf

DOI:Coming soon...


Freemartinism in a 3.5 months-old Holstein Friesian calf was investigated. External examination of the animal revealed the presence of two vulvar openings ventral to the anus. The urine is voided from the lower aperture. Transrectal palpation and ultrasonography revealed an ectopic left kidney in the caudal abdomen. At autopsy, an ectopic left kidney, right unilateral cryptorchidism, left testicular aplasia and intra-abdominal edema were the main findings observed. Histopathologically, narrowing of the seminiferous tubules and degenerative changes of the sertoli cells were recorded. This is the first report of testicular cryptorchidism and aplasia and ectopic kidney in free martin calf.

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