Year: 2014 | Month: April | Volume 4 | Issue 1

Domestication of Anemone Fishes with High Fecundity and Spawning Efficiency under Captive Condition for Indian Scenario

DOI:Coming soon...


This present study is developed to understand the fecundity rate of seven different anemone fishes cultured in captivity.The efficiency of
quality eggs of anemone fishand their developments aremuch important in marine ornamental aquaculture to enhance the production value.Hence, the experiment states that good feeding habitsof the brooders with mixed diets would increases thequantity and quality of eggs.In addition, the ideal water quality parameters like temperature-27±20C, salinity-28±1ppt, NH-4-0.001ppm, dissolved oxygen 4.0±1 ppm, pH-7.7±0.2, light intensity 2500 to 3000 lux, with photoperiod (12L:12D). The feeding time was maintained thrice a day (07:00, 11:00 and 16:00 hrs)and organic wasteswere removed daily whilewater exchanged 30-40% per week.The sufficient quantity of oyster, musselsand shrimp consumed by the brooders(A.  percula, A. clarkii,  A.  sebae,  A.  sandaracinos,  A. melanopus, A. frenatus, and A. ocellaris) were
0.470g, 1.390g, 1.650g, 0.300g, 0.380g.

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